Funny Meme Sex as a Parent

Being a parent is bliss one moment and misery the next. It's no easy job raising the next generation but you've decided to shoulder that mantle. Funny parenting memes pick fun at the quirkier side of parenthood by providing much-needed commentary about what it means to be a parent today and how that affects each of us with kids.

We wanted to round up some of the very best parenting memes and we've curated a list of them for you to scroll through. Each meme feels funnier than the last on this list so don't stop until you've laughed yourself to tears or until you've gotten to the very end. Now, take a moment and "feel seen" by these relatable parenting memes!

Time to Get Laughing with The Best Parenting Memes!

Parent with Pride

33 funny parenting memes

Seriously, virtual high-five to the parent who not only thought of this but had it actually work on their child. We should all be so lucky.

Surviving Is Thriving

33 funny parenting memes

Kids take everything for granted. Sometimes they just need a gentle reminder that they're lucky to be kicking on this chaotic planet.

Treasure Those Special Moments

33 funny parenting memes

"I know, I know, 10 years from now I'll be all misty-eyed or whatever, thinking about how much I miss their cute little sassy (see: terrorist) selves at bedtime, but it is NOT THIS F'ING NIGHT," the mom who shared this meme noted. Okay!

What's In a Name

33 funny parenting memes

Now, you know why parents went with Apple, Dream, and Blue as baby names. Any object is better than your acquaintances.


33 funny parenting memes

How do we get on this level? This is the best parenting meme because it's actually a teaching moment. May we all find a hack as this mom did.

10's Across the Board

33 funny parenting memes

Some days are easier than others but wow, is being a parent exhausting. This parenting meme has got us figured out.

Hard Truths

33 funny parenting memes

Unfortunately, it's just going to get harder and harder. Hang in there, you got this, parents!

8 Long, Hours…

33 funny parenting memes

Here's a parenting meme for those of us who can only get stuff down after the kids are down. It's a cruel world out there.

Remain Optimistic

33 funny parenting memes

"It will end in tears" perfectly predicts the future for any child activity in their first several years of life. Tough it out, parents. You will survive.

Where's the Lie?

33 funny parenting memes

For sure! This is a fact. We're certain many moms out there would relate to. We love a parenting meme that uncovers a universal truth.

Oddly Specific, Totally Relatable

33 funny parenting memes

It's crazy the things we will overlook in order for a little break here and there. At times, you have to let go and let God.

Old as Dirt

33 funny parenting memes

If they only, knew! This parenting meme captures what it's like parenting in the digital age. It's wild!

"Free Time"

33 funny parenting memes

When running errands, mostly for the benefit of your children, you tell yourself it's "me time." It's the only way any of us are going to make it through.


33 funny parenting memes

This parenting meme is also a sage prediction of what will come. Wait for this day and then live accordingly.

Reap What You Sow

33 funny parenting memes

Parenting is fun! You'll discover many opportunities for teachable moments.

Deep Breaths

33 funny parenting memes

A parenting meme that also doubles as health advice. Do all that's in your power to do that grocery run on your own.

RELATED: 7 Hilarious Parenting Memes to Start Your Week Off Right

It's Hard

33 funny parenting memes

If someone says to you, "Parenting is only hard if you make it hard," then you know that you can never trust them with anything. Politely excuse them from your life for the rest of your days.

They've Got a Lot of Fight In Them

33 funny parenting memes

Have you ever seen a better representation of a child's at-home schedule? This deserves all the parenting meme awards.

Imagine a Day When They Want Their Breathe to Smell Nice

33 funny parenting memes

Dear parent, a day will come when your child will eventually want to brush their teeth. When that rolls around, you have to start worrying about them kissing other children.

If Only They Taught This in Sex Ed.

33 funny parenting memes

In this parenting meme, we find the perfect representation of how time works when you're a parent. You'll have to look rather hard to find "me time."

Harsh Reality

33 funny parenting memes

This! You used to be fun.

Baby Boss

33 funny parenting memes

You know who is really in charge! Follow this mom's advice and you can kill two birds with one stone. Watch as those telemarketing calls start to slow after the third time you've repeated this step.

Take a Break

33 funny parenting memes

Yes, sleep is all we really need. Try and find some time for yourself, parents!

Step It Up, Dads

33 funny parenting memes

This parenting meme captures the white-hot rage you might have experienced in which your husband is being useless and your baby is torturing you to death. Who else has been there?

Screen Time Is the Dream Time

33 funny parenting memes

Simply reply, "Okay." You'll live to see them walk it back.

You're Doing Fine

33 funny parenting memes

Just do your best. It's all you can do.

Living the Dream

33 funny parenting memes

Have you ever wanted some alone time this badly? This parenting meme feels oh, so relatable especially when school's not having in-person learning (but, we do want those kids to stay safe!).


33 funny parenting memes

It's not so bad! Just let them wear whatever they want.

"The Look"

33 funny parenting memes

We all recognize this expression, right? It's been called "the look" and we think that's the perfect name for it. Don't let that face crack, parents.

Where There's a Will…

33 funny parenting memes

Meet a future climber of Mount Everest. Some advice only goes so far if you've got the right type of kid. It's a miracle they make it to adulthood.

They're Gross

33 funny parenting memes

Kids are disgusting little animals! Animals that we love and look cute at times, but animals nonetheless.

Oh, You Know

33 funny parenting memes

You know each little moment counts when you're a mom. Make them count for you from the comfort of your midsize sedan.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: How Parenting Through the Week Feels Day-to-Day, As Told Through Memes

Checks Phone

33 funny parenting memes

We leave you with this parenting meme that will make you feel as seen as you've ever been. Who else has a similar system for their contacts?

Did you find some hilarious parenting memes that really spoke to you? We sure hope you found some that capture the hilarity and absurdity of parenthood. It's not easy raising the next generation but someone has to do it. You might as well laugh about it along the way.


  • 1 Time to Get Laughing with The Best Parenting Memes!
    • 1.1 Parent with Pride
    • 1.2 Surviving Is Thriving
    • 1.3 Treasure Those Special Moments
    • 1.4 What's In a Name
    • 1.5 Skills
    • 1.6 10's Across the Board
    • 1.7 Hard Truths
    • 1.8 8 Long, Hours…
    • 1.9 Remain Optimistic
    • 1.10 Where's the Lie?
    • 1.11 Oddly Specific, Totally Relatable
    • 1.12 Old as Dirt
    • 1.13 "Free Time"
    • 1.14 #Freedom
    • 1.15 Reap What You Sow
    • 1.16 Deep Breaths
    • 1.17 It's Hard
    • 1.18 They've Got a Lot of Fight In Them
    • 1.19 Imagine a Day When They Want Their Breathe to Smell Nice
    • 1.20 If Only They Taught This in Sex Ed.
    • 1.21 Harsh Reality
    • 1.22 Baby Boss
    • 1.23 Take a Break
    • 1.24 Step It Up, Dads
    • 1.25 Screen Time Is the Dream Time
    • 1.26 You're Doing Fine
    • 1.27 Living the Dream
    • 1.28 Acquiescence
    • 1.29 "The Look"
    • 1.30 Where There's a Will…
    • 1.31 They're Gross
    • 1.32 Oh, You Know
    • 1.33 Checks Phone

About Mamas Uncut

Mamas Uncut is THE online place for moms. We cover the latest about motherhood, parenting, and entertainment as well – all with a mom-focused twist. So if you're looking for parenting advice from real parents, we have plenty of it, all for moms from moms, and also experts. Because, at the end of the day, our mission is focused solely on empowering moms and moms-to-be with the knowledge and answers they're looking for in one safe space.



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